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Imagining the Lectionary: Good Friday Snapshot
Imagining the Lectionary: Good Friday Snapshot
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Good Friday Snapshot Reflection accompanying image “Jesus dies on the cross” In this one snapshot the cost of loving like God loves is starkly apparent. Jesus takes on all that is life-denying and spirit-crushing and refuses to concede defeat or turn
The cross is our symbol – a symbol of grief.
The cross is our symbol – a symbol of grief.
by Marjorie Dobson
Blessing: The cross is our symbol – a symbol of grief. The cross is our symbol – a symbol of love. The cross is our symbol – a symbol of hope Let us carry that cross into a grieving world as a sign of the love and hope that God offers to all his children. Amen ©Marjorie Dobson
Open with God Book - Birthdays
Open with God Book - Birthdays
by Christine Odell
BIRTHDAYS Prayers for Various Occasions Reading Psalm 139.1-6, 13-18 Loving God, we praise you for all that you have done for us: for the beauty and generosity of your creation; for your offers of forgiveness and never-ending love; for your presence with us throughout our lives..
Open with God Book - Care Homes for the Elderly
Open with God Book - Care Homes for the Elderly
by Christine Odell
CARE HOMES FOR THE ELDERLY Prayers for Various Occasions Reading Psalm 23 God, our loving Shepherd, wherever we go, you are there, whatever we experience, you are with us. We know that we can trust your promise that you will be with us until the end of time. We pray for the elder
Prayer: Your love flows like a stream
Prayer: Your love flows like a stream
by John Birch
Prayers of Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving for Epiphany ADORATION This world and all within it is part of your glorious plan, devised and created in love for your people to enjoy. Such divine mystery; Such wonder; that you should consider humankind so precious and provide
Open with God Book - Church Meeting
Open with God Book - Church Meeting
by Christine Odell
CHURCH MEETING Prayers for Various Occasions Reading 1 Corinthians 1.1-9 Constant God, we thank you for keeping faith with us, so that however busy we are, through all the ups and downs of church life, we can know that you are our God and we are your people. Saviour God,...
Imagining the Lectionary: Living God's liberating vision - faith takes you higher, love takes you deeper, discipleship takes you into the heart of life (Proper 12B)
Imagining the Lectionary: Living God's liberating vision - faith takes you higher, love takes you deeper, discipleship takes you into the heart of life (Proper 12B)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Living God's liberating vision - faith takes you higher, love takes you deeper, discipleship takes you into the heart of life (Proper 12B) Reflection accompanying images: “York Wheel 1, York Wheel 2 text, York Wheel 3, York Wheel 4” The Wheel of York tak
Holy Week 3: Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Cheap Monday?
Holy Week 3: Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Cheap Monday?
by David Perry
Holy Week 3: Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Cheap MondayReflection accompanying image “Carnaby street easter testimony” Walking down Carnaby Street in London you just can't miss the eye catching skull logo of the Cheap Monday Store. Such death-in-your-face design is an interesti
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